Professor Irving Younger has been gone for 20 years. He was a legendary lecturer who drew from his experience as a prosecutor, private practitioner and trial judge. Like many of his lectures "The Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination" is timeless. Younger's wit, intensity and use of examples from well known historical trials provides for an entertaining and memorable lecture on destructive cross-examination. If you try cases, and have never heard Younger's Ten Commandments, you've been missing out (and probably making unnecessary mistakes). Even if you did listen to Younger years ago, track down an audio or video of the lecture. It's a great review for the experienced trial lawyer and I guarantee you will enjoy the time spent with an old friend. DVD's of many of Younger's lectures, including The Ten Commandments, are available through NITA. For a quick review of Younger's commandments, try the Ten Minute Mentor. The presentation is part of a series of quick (and free) on line CLE programs sponsored by the Texas Young Lawyers Association and TexasBarCLE. Clicking this link will lead you to a short video (or audio only) presentation by Texas lawyer Robert Witte. While no substitute for the real thing, it is worth a listen next time you sit to prepare your cross-exam.